Categories: Film
      Date: Sep  5, 2011
     Title: Cyber Security Summit

Cyber Security Summit - Richie TurnerHD televisual production of the world’s first Cyber Security Summit

cyber security summit 2011

Jules Media produced the televisual aspect of the conference working in partnership with leading multimedia production company Telesgop to provide the Outside Broadcast Facilities for the world's first Cyber Security Summit. This prestigious global conference was arranged by MIT and the University of Wales. The HD multi-cam shoot was filmed over two days and was well attended by delegates from all over the world. Alongside the multi-cam shoot we also arranged a single camera shoot with acclaimed Producer/Director Prof. Thomas Levenson, MIT. USA. Jules Media collaborated on all aspects of production with Telesgop, Mwnci, Enfys, Push 4 Audio Visual, Paul Mc Guinness, Nigel Ashcroft, Prof. Levenson and the MIT/University of Wales production teams on this project.

[we are unable to currently provide a clip for this media, as it is classified at present]